Admissions of Guilt

I really feel like I need to take this time and apologize to my little Sony NEX-7 for not giving it the respect it deserves.
I've been guilty of some megapixel snobbery, opting for the D800 for things that I consider "serious outings" while the neglected little NEX-7 sits on the bench.  

"Put me in coach!! I'll show you what I can do!!"

Because, you know, 24 megapixels, that isn't enough.  :|

And .. as kids birthday parties approach or random family outings, I'd pick up the NEX-7 w/ the 18-55mm kit lens and do the dutiful "take a picture of my kid, please, camera-guy" bit.     I'd turn over the images to the requestors and smugly think to myself, "Imagine if I had brought the REAL camera."

Then.. gearing up for Bahamas, Disney, summer photo walks and some hopeful travel this fall, I decided to change up things a bit.     I'd use the D800 w/ a 14-24mm (on a tripod) for landscapes and starfields and the
NEX-7 with the 18-200mm lens for walk-about stuff, tele, sports & macro.

I started using this new 18-200mm last week, I'll post more on it later but the one sentence is:
"Sony NEX-7 w/ 18-200mm, where have you been all my life?"

I think this is going to be a winning combo!

I don't know why I'm surprised.   This would be my third Sony Alpha camera, 2nd NEX-class and fifth Sony Alpha overall, if you include the film Minoltas that these cameras share DNA with.  They've all been great.